North Seattle Treble Makers is a choir for treble voices which is being rebuilt from the original Mary Pat Graham choir, Singing with Friends.
We sing SSA arrangements with the goals of making beautiful music, singing in harmony, and learning about music and our voices — all while having fun! NSTM is a rehearsal choir only (no performances) which meets Tuesday evenings, 7-8:15pm at OneLife Community Church (3524 NE 95th St, Seattle.)
Participation fee is $125 per quarter. (Winter: Jan, Feb, Mar; Spring: Apr, May, June; Summer: July, Aug, Sept; Fall: Oct, Nov, Dec.)
No audition necessary.

Susan Bardsley
Susan Bardsley is a Seattle native who holds two degrees from UW school of music: a BA in music education (choral emphasis) and an MM in Choral Conducting. She taught at both Roosevelt High School and Lake Washington High School in the 1980’s. With Lani Brockman in 1998 she founded StoryBook Theater, an adult, professional troupe which presented 55-minute original musicals for young audiences throughout the Puget Sound area for over 20 years. Susan was the composer, music director, on-stage pianist, and MC for the troupe.
Currently Susan also conducts the choir at Congregation Kol Ami, newly expanded to Eastside Jewish Community Choir.